The name of this association will be the “HASKELL BASS CLUB”.
ARTICLE II: Objectives
To encourage and sponsor fishing tournaments and other events normally associated with the activities of a bass club.
To promote high standards of sportsmanship, strengthen general understanding of sportsmen, and foster public awareness of the necessity to conserve water resources.
ARTICLE III: Management
The management of the club shall be vested in the officers of the club consisting of: a president, vice-president, secretary/treasurer, and reporter.
There shall be a minimum of four tournament directors elected each year to direct all fishing events.
Officers and directors shall be elected to serve for a period of one year. Elections to be held at the first scheduled meeting of the year to elect officers for the following year.
President: Preside over meetings, provide leadership to club activities, call special meetings, and appoint committees as necessary.
Vice-President: Assist the President and preside at club functions in the absence of the President.
Secretary/Treasurer: Maintain financial records and all records of club activities.
Reporter: Keep records of tournament activities, publish newsletters, and inform media of club activities.
Tournament Directors: To preside over fishing events, collect entry fees, maintain the records of the tournaments, announce the results thereof, and enforce tournament rules.
ARTICLE IV: Membership
Membership in this club shall not be denied to anyone based on race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
ARTICLE V: Amendments:
All amendments or changes to this constitution and/or the by-laws of the club may be discussed at any meeting and will be voted on at the next scheduled meeting of the club. Any proposed changes must be approved by a majority vote of those present.