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    1. Membership is open to anyone.

    2. Membership includes member and family.

    3. Dues are $40.00 annually (This includes championship entry fees). Anyone can join at anytime during the year. After the 3rd tournament, there will be no joining the club at the ramp unless he or she has a club sponsor. 

    4. Honorary Membership may be extended to someone who makes a substantial contribution to the club such as a major tournament sponsorship or performs a valuable service to the club.

    5. If at any time a member’s conduct is such as to bring discredit to the club, membership will be terminated by majority vote.


    1. Regular monthly meetings will be held on the Thursdays, 10 days before the tournament.

    2. Time and place of the meetings will be announced in a monthly newsletter.


    1. Newly elected officers and tournament directors each year will set a tournament schedule for the following year.

    2. Tournament Directors are in charge of all activities pertaining to club tournaments such as collection of entry fees, maintaining records, conducting weigh-ins, determining winners, and settling disputes over rules.

    3. There is an off limits period from Monday through Friday the week of the tournament. However, members will be allowed to pre-fish one day during the off limits period.

    4. Tournament registration will end 15 minutes prior to "lines in/blast off" time.

    5. Entry fees must be paid prior to fishing any tournament. However, in case of a late arrival, the member must notify another member of being present and pay entry fee plus all side pots at weigh-in. This will be at the Tournament Director’s discretion.

    6. Contestants must be in launch area ready to weigh in at the posted weigh in time set by the tournament directors.

    7. Entry fee for monthly club tournaments will be $25.00 per participant.

    8. $3.00 from each entry fee will go to the club for the club’s expenses. The rest of the entry fees will be returned as prizes split as follows: 1st place-50%, 2nd place-30%, 3rd place-20%. In the event there are no winners, the entry fees will be deposited into the general account of the club.

    9. Each monthly tournament will include an optional Big Bass jackpot. The entry fee for the jackpot will be $5.00. 100% of this money will be returned as prizes. 20 or less entries in the Big Bass jackpot will pay back 100% to the heaviest fish caught in the tournament. 21 or more entries in the jackpot will pay as follows: heaviest fish-60%, second heaviest fish-40%.

    10. Each monthly tournament will also include an optional Big Bass over 7 lbs calcutta jackpot. The entry fee for the jackpot will be $2. 100% of this money will be paid out. If no fish over 7 lbs is caught the pot will rollover to the next tournament.

    11. Normally, only club members and their family, and honorary members will be allowed to fish in tournaments. However, members may bring a guest to fish in the club tournaments. Guests may fish a maximum of one tournament per year and must fish with the club member on the member’s boat. Guests are to abide by club rules and pay all normal fees.

    12. When two or more members tie with the same weight, they will split the two place winnings equally.


    1. Contestants who must leave early (before weigh-in) must make arrangements with current tournament directors to have their fish weighed and counted in club standings.

    2. The tournaments will be a five fish limit.

    3. All fish must comply with all federal, state, and local regulations in existence at the time to be eligible for weigh-in.

    4. Only largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, and spotted bass will be weighed in.

    5. Trailering to another launch site is permitted.

    6. Fishing from a boat, tube, shoreline, etc. is permitted.

    7. Fishing permitted only during posted hours.

    8. Live well checks may be performed prior to the start of the tournament. This will be at the tournament Director’s discretion.

    9. The tournament Director will also be responsible for measuring fish to ensure that participants are abiding by federal, state, and local regulations. Measurement of fish is at the discretion of the tournament Director conducting the weigh-in. However, any club member can request that any fish be measured.

    10. There will be a 1/2 pound deduction for each dead fish weighed in.

    11. All fish must be caught on artificial baits and no trolling is allowed. Contestants may use as many rods and reels as they wish but may only fish with one line in the water at a time

    12. All contestants are advised to comply with federal and state regulations. The wearing of PFD’s is advised, but not required. Use of kill switches on big motors is advised, but not required.

    13. Tournament Director’s decisions will be final in all disputed matters at any given tournament.

    14. Tournament Directors will provide the secretary and/or reporter with all records of tournament results.

    15. The club will have a Championship tournament will be after the regular tournament schedule has finished. Date, time, and place of the Championship will be determined by the members who qualified to participate. In order to participate in the Championship tournament, club members must fish 6 out of 8 tournaments or qualify in the top 50% by weight.  Prizes for the championship will come from the championship fees ($10.00 per person) that were collected in the annual membership dues. Additional prizes will be determined by the financial condition of the club. Participants fishing the Championship will not have to pay an entry fee.

    16. Angler of the year will be awarded to the fisherman who has the most pounds at the end of the tournament season (excluding the Championship tournament). The prize will be determined based on the financial condition of the club.

    17. The club will sponsor a Big Bass of the Year jackpot. Entry fee is $10.00. Winning fish must be caught during a regular club tournament. 100% of the entry fees will be paid to the winner.

    18. When weighing in a fish for Big Fish, the member must pick their own fish to weigh in.

*These by-laws may be amended at any regular scheduled monthly meeting by majority vote.

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